Underground 101 The Music Platform has teamed up with B-Future and the "Best In The Booth" album series to bring to you a new national event, the "Best In the Booth Song Contest". The song contest, to be hosted at www.underground101themusicplatform.com will feature one beat from a total of five producers.
Currently 3 of the producer slots are filled. If you are a producer interested in supplying one beat for this opportunity of a lifetime. Please email a beat pack to bestintheboothllc@gmail.com , if one of your beats is chosen, you will be sent a contract and make a ten dollar royalty off of every submission someone uses your beat in the contest for, as well as a percentage of all streaming royalties generated on our platform with your beat.

Registration for the contest will open June 1st, 2021 and close December 24th, 2021. There is a $50.00 registration fee to enter the contest. At registration, artists will choose from 1 of the 5 listed beats for the contest. The beat they choose at registration will grant them a leasing license from the producer as well as an entry to the contest.
The contest begins December 25, 2021 at 12:00a.m. eastern time and ends July 4th, 2022 at 12:00a.m. Eastern Time.
In this 3 part contest, artists will have to create a song, a music video, then promote their video to get the most streams to win the 1st Place Grand Prize $2500.00 USD.
Other Prize Packages Include
1st Place - …….……......................................................................………….………..… $2500.00 USD
2nd Place - ….…………………………........................................................................….. $500.00 USD
3rd Place - .…………………….......................................................................…………… $100 .00 USD
4th Place - …….…………….......................................................................………………… $50.00 USD
5th Place - …………….……………….......................................................................……… $25.00 USD
6th Place - …………………….........................................................................…. Marketing Package
7th Place - ……….......................................................................… (200) CD Duplication Package
8th Place - ……………..……......................................................................……… Studio Time (2hrs)
9th Place - …....................................................................... Album Cover Design (Font & Back)
10th Place - .............................................................................................. Feature from BFuture
The Official 2021-2022 Best In The Booth Song Contest Rules Terms and Conditions are listed below.>>>
Part 1- Create a song following the rules, and submit it by the deadlines outlined in the "Official Best In The Booth Song Contest Rules, Terms, and Conditions."
Part 2- Create a music video following the rules, and submit it by the deadlines outlined in the "Official Best In The Booth Song Contest Rules, Terms, and Conditions."
Part 3- Promote their song and video to get the most streams on the platform by the deadlines outlined in the "Official Best In The Booth Song Contest Rules, Terms, and Conditions."
Register Here>>>
If you would like to be a sponsor of this event, or for more information email bestintheboothllc@gmail.com or contact us on our facebook pages.

#BestInTheBoothSongContest #BestInTheBooth #BITBSongContest #BITB #SongContest #Producers #Connecticut